Prototype Injection Moulding

- Client – Rolls Royce
- Industry – Automotive
- Technology – Prototype / Low volume Injection Moulding
- Other Manufacturing options – Vacuum Casting / 3d Printing / CNC Machining
- Quantity – 250 sets per Annum
- Leadtime – 2 weeks
- Brief – Cost saving Exercise to replace current Vacuum Cast parts with Injection Moulded Parts
Our client approached us to look at Prototype / Low Volume Production Plastic Mould tooling to replace Vacuum Cast parts due to increased volume demand.
An Aluminium Tool was made in two weeks to produce PC/ABS T85 parts. First Sample parts were approved, and then in production by the end of the requested lead time.
Tooling grade aluminium can last up to 20,000 cycles.

Production Injection Moulding

- Client – Steve Vick International
- Industry – Environmental
- Technology –Volume ‘2K’ Injection Moulding, engraving, pad printing and multi component assemble
- Other Manufacturing options – Not at high volume
- Quantity – 12,000 Assembled sets Per year
- Leadtime – 10 weeks
- Brief – Take Initial concept into production
We were approached by a Design Team and the Client to take their concept into production.
In order to create the Production tooling we modifed the CAD to allow the part to be ‘Mouldable’ once this was complete, we analysed the Mouldflow, created the Tooling Design / General Arrangement. When all approved, we ‘cut’ the tools.
The Parts are Overmoulded with a soft grip material, Inserted, assembled including battery terminal, lens and vapour barrier parts, individually cnc engraved with a unique serial number and finally Pad Printed with our clients logo.

Production Injection Moulding

- Client – Leading Services Company
- Industry – Advertising Media
- Technology –Hardened Steel Tooling, moulding, and assembly
- Other Manufacturing options – RP Injection Tooling
- Quantity – 10,000 Assembled units per annum
- Leadtime – 4 weeks
- Brief – Cost effective tooling concept for production quantities to include full DFM and Mouldflow Analysis
Utilising our consultative approach our client was supported right from the design stage, due to our early involvement we were able to optimise the design to ensure that all parts were moulded in a single multi-cavity tool keeping the tooling cost to a minimum, plus with the increased functionallity of the process we were able to achieve the best cycle time and efficiency.
The parts were also cleverly designed so that assembly can be conducted ‘at the press’ again maximising efficiency and keeping costs down.
Tooling life to support 250,000 cycles.