Rapid Prototyping Injection Moulding

- Client – Rolls Royce
- Industry – Automotive
- Technology – Prototype / Low volume Injection Moulding
- Other Manufacturing options – Vacuum Casting / 3d Printing / CNC Machining
- Quantity – 250 sets per Annum
- Leadtime – 2 weeks
- Brief – Cost saving Exercise to replace current Vacuum Cast parts with Injection Moulded Parts
Our client approached us to look at Prototype / Low Volume Production Plastic Mould tooling to replace Vacuum Cast parts due to increased volume demand.
An Aluminium Tool was made in two weeks to produce PC/ABS T85 parts. First Sample parts were approved, and then in production by the end of the requested lead time.
Tooling grade aluminium can last up to 20,000 cycles.

SLA Big Build Envelope

- Client – Jaguar Land Rover
- Industry –Automotive
- Technology – Stereolithography SLA (one piece)
- Other Manufacturing options – 3D Printing / CNC Machining
- Quantity – 1 off
- Leadtime – 5 days
- Brief – Parts used for fit and function of interior layout for prototype
This ‘one off’ Rapid Prototyping request was for a Range Rover Parcel shelf substrate, it was important for the structural integrity of the part that it was manufactured in one piece. Due to the large size of the part we would usually have suggested CNC machining as an option, however a fast turnaround was required so this would have been difficult.
By utilising Stereolithography and with access to machines with a large build envelope of 2m x 1m x 1m, we were able to produce the part in one piece with a turnaround of just 5 days.

SLA High Temperature

- Client – Confidential
- Industry – Powertrain (Automotive)
- Technology – Stereolithography (SLA)
- Other Manufacturing options – CNC Manufacturing / Vacuum Casting / Metal Casting
- Quantity – 1 off
- Leadtime – 7 days
- Brief – Sump required urgently for Engine tilt testing, urgent 2 week lead-time
Our Client came to us in urgent need of an Engine Sump Casing measuring 424mm long that was required within 2 weeks for tilt testing which had to be completed in order for them to stay within their crucial development timings, concerning this new automotive engine project.
After carefully ascertaining the requirements the SLA technology was selected due to the quick lead-time of 7 days. The use of a post cured specialist material imbued the finished part with the ability to withstand oil ingress, and temperatures up to 180 Celsius which made it ideal for this application.
Other Manufacturing options were considered such as CNC / Vacuum Casting / Metal Casting but on this occasion SLA was chosen due to the quick lead time and competitive price.

Vacuum Casting Polyurethane

- Client – Renault
- Industry –Automotive
- Technology – Vacuum Casting in a soft, durable and flexible Elastomeric Polyurethane
- Other Manufacturing options – 3D Printing / Injection Moulding
- Quantity – 20 off
- Leadtime – 2 weeks
- Brief – Parts forgotten and needed urgently to complete a vehicle prototype build
We were approached to manufacture a ‘Steering Shroud/cover’ for a batch of prototype vehicles.
20 parts were required urgently, and due to the low quantity, we advised Vacuum Casting as the best option. We were able to print a 3D model of the part from which we manufactured one silicone tool which was all that was required to cast the quantity required.
The parts were moulded in black Elastomeric Polyurethane with no further need for finishing, resulting in a completed project for very low tooling and unit cost with the added benefit of a super quick turnaround, and a very happy customer.